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Plenty Valley Netball Association  -




We at PVNA always welcome young interested persons to join our umpire pool ("Team White") and we support and encourage you along the way.

The first step in your journey to be an umpire is to read through the 2020 official rules of netball.  Then enrol and complete the Rules of Netball Theory Exam and the Foundation Umpire course, These can be accessed through the Netball Victoria Website :

Once you have completed both these steps have a chat to Sue Drummond Umpire Supervisor at the courts or via email and we will arrange for the training to start.




· Trainees can begin umpiring with supervision of an umpire mentor.

 · Trainee umpires will continue to umpire with supervision until a point in which the mentor deems them competent to umpire alone. Indications of this level include: an ability to recognize and penalize some obvious major and minor infringements, easy footwork infringements, correct throw in decisions, correct centre pass decisions, basic use of hand signals, held ball and over a third. It is not expected that an umpire at this level will penalize all of the infringements all of the time, but they should be able to show they see the obvious ones.

· Umpire Mentors are required to provide positive feedback to the trainee umpire including achievements made on the day; things to work on or advice on things that may need more attention; or areas of the game that the umpire has a competent grasp of and may not need to be worked on quite so much. An achievement checklist is provided as a guide. The mentor will advise both the umpire and the Umpire Supervisor  when the trainee is considered ready to umpire without one-on-one supervision

· Once this level of competency has been achieved, umpires can then umpire alone, but with the constant support of mentors and umpire supervisors. It is extremely important that ongoing training and support to improve the knowledge base and increase confidence. Although no longer under one-on-one training, things to be worked on at this point are consolidation of rule knowledge, a greater ability to penalize obvious infringements and a good coverage of the court.

 · An umpire supervisor will be present at the courts at all times, so if not on your court there to support and assist.

· Mentors will provide constant feedback with the expectation that trainees will work towards improvement to achieve their C badge. The indicators of this include: reasonable control of the game, good knowledge of the rules, a voice and whistle which are loud and clear, efficient terminology and announcement of decisions, good application of all general rules, apply major infringements consistently, good court coverage, show awareness of the advantage rule.  While the rules are the same for all umpires, the interpretation and decision making will differ, depending on experience. As an umpire gains more knowledge and experience, they will become more competent in seeing infringements and penalizing them effectively, and decision making will become easier. Umpire mentors are required to provide positive feedback and encouragement. It is important that a trainee umpire is given time and a sufficient workload from which to learn. Working on one thing at a time can assist on establishing a solid knowledge base, and therefore reducing the risk of confusion and feelings of becoming overwhelmed. Before moving on, ensure that the umpire understands and applies rules with confidence. Trainee umpires can not be expected to be perfect, as can anyone else! A good umpire mentor should develop a rapport with the trainee umpires, and speak to them in an appropriate and constructive manner. It is important that they understand what the mentor is saying. Keep assistance simple and be realistic with expectations. Every umpire’s needs are different and umpire mentors need to be aware and supportive of these. The aim is create a confident and happy umpire .

Umpire Tegan  C Badge.jpg

Plenty Valley Netball Association

 McKimmes Rd, Bundoora VIC 3082



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